
Rydym yn chwilio am wirfoddolwyr!

Dysgwch sgiliau newyddGain confidence • Gwneud ffrindiau newydd Gwnewch wahaniaeth yn gwneud yr hyn rydych chi'n ei garu!

Help build The Old Chapel to be something that impacts other people. The Old Chapel is a friendly, welcoming café and community social enterprise based in Saltney Ferry, Flintshire. We benefit people in Saltney Ferry, Saltney, Chester, Cheshire, and North Wales

We are looking for volunteers in four areas:

1. Our community-focussed café
Serve food and drinks, use the till, take orders and be part of our regular café team.

2. Our social community-based activities
Help with activities, be a warm presence or just manage & monitor the space.

3. In general
Help us make our vision a reality. There are many roles that we could find to suit you.

4. Outside of our opening hours
Help set up and/or pack down as well as help with other things.


Experience is not necessary as training will be given.

Note that specific training (e.g. food hygiene routine) may be needed before volunteers can undertake certain jobs. Job roles are available for both helping with the café and helping with our activities. Each volunteer will be asked to sign a volunteer agreement. We also have a volunteer policy.


Either speak to someone in the café or get in touch below. 

Currently open 10am to 2pm, Wednesday to Saturday.  

we are looking for volunteerswhat activities question graphicCysylltwch, rydyn ni yma i helpu! Eisiau gwneud gwahaniaeth drwy wirfoddoli? Eisiau llogi lle i roi cynnig ar rywbeth? Angen cefnogaeth i gychwyn rhywbeth?

Website email enquiry form

Bookable Support

Space Hire

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You can find the volunteer policy doc yma


Beth sydd ymlaen


Llogi gofod



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