
Gift Cards

We now sell Gift Cards!

Buy one for yourself or as a gift to let someone else experience our wonderful cafe. Money can be added at any time to the card and the card can be reused and reused. The balance on the card can be checked at any time by asking at the till.

Full terms and conditions are found below. Please note that to purchase a Gift Card in the first instance requires a £10 minimum value to be put onto the card.

Terms and Conditions

Gift Cards can be used for all products sold at the Old Chapel Café, Flint Road, Saltney Ferry. The card cannot be redeemed for cash. Cards can be reloaded. We are not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen cards. Card must be presented at the till when purchase is made for the card to be used. The purchase amount will be deducted from the card balance.

Use of the card constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions.

There are no limitations on how many times the card is used. The card be reloaded (i.e. more money added to the value of the card) at any time and the card can be used again and again.

Gift cards can be used to pay in full or in part for any purchase. The balance left on a card can be checked by asking at the Old Chapel Café. Receipts printed after a purchase also display the remaining amount on the card.

Competitive rates  / Free WIFI / Parking / Onsite cafe facilities serving vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options

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