Next step ‘Micro Gifts’ now available!

We’re very excited to announce we’re working with the charity ACTS (Action In the Community to Support) and are now offering their Next Step Micro Gifts to help people, in tiny ways, to continue on their journey developing their skills, finding a role and making a difference at the Old Chapel Cafe.

The micro gifts are for materials or equipment and so far we’ve supplied drum sticks, rocks for painting and specialist pens for crafting to three of our regulars. Even the smallest of offerings can make a difference to someone!

Pop in and see us, you never know what might happen. We’ve got the space, all we need is you. Some of our makers at the Old Chapel Cafe are now selling their creations in our micro shop!

We do like to say #yes2ideas

If you’re wanting to encourage people, and give them a helping hand and would like to give money into the micro gifts fund, please get in touch!


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