Spy party a great success

Spy party a great success

Spy Themed Party! Spy party great success! 20 children plus adults for a mix of challenges and  games! What happened… Secret messages! Spy games! Test your observation skills! Become a master of disguise! Games room with computer games Free goody bag for every...
Stories for wellbeing

Stories for wellbeing

The Autumn Story Taster a great success! Lisa delivered a fantastic storytelling session the Tim. Seasonal Stories Round the Fire with Lisa Rossetti. An Oasis for adults with busy lives!  Relax and enjoy Stories for Wellbeing. Seasonal tales & inspirational...
Halloween party partnership

Halloween party partnership

Halloween Party (free entry): BIG SPACE Teamed up with Local PCSO’s to run family Halloween party. Approx 50 guests! Loads of fun. Locals join in Locals helped with preparation, making games, decorating and running it! FREE hotdog and hot chocolate (or...